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tutorial sur la programmation

tutorial sur la programmation
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14 septembre 2013


drupal est un outil de management de contenu de site web

14 septembre 2013

gestion des fonts :Extensis Suitcase Fusion 5

Every professional font manager should deliver the basics: spectacular previews, powerful search tools, and efficient font organization. You have those basics covered. But there is a lot more you actually DO with fonts–namely traditional and web design.

The Perfect Font Manager for Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite
Brand new font auto-activation plugins for Adobe Creative Cloud applications, in-app font panels for instant access, cross-platform feature parity and now licensed for use on more than one machine. Sweet.

Experiment and Pair Typefaces Faster Than Ever
Stop the insanity! Activate fonts, switch to InDesign, test out fonts, save version 1; activate more fonts, switch back, test out fonts again, save version 2. Seriously, this could go on forever.

Instead, try this: experiment with Headline & body copy pairings side-by-side without activating your entire font library; without switching back and forth and versioning your document repeatedly. Quickly save your comps to a set or save as PDF proofs for sharing. That’s the NEW QuickComp.

The Smartest Way to Design With Web Fonts

Integrated with web font services, the in-app font panel puts thousands of web fonts at your fingertips. Why would you design for the web with different fonts than you will actually USE on the web? That’s crazy talk.

Other Font Manager Goodies:
- Beautiful font previews
- Powerful search tools
- Efficient font organization
- Access fonts from panels in Creative Suite and Creative Cloud apps
- Pair, compare and prototype using fonts in real-world mock-ups
- Built-in auto-activation for professional creative applications
- Connect to over 6500 fonts from WebINK and Google Web Fonts

Take Control of Your Font Palette

All designers know that having a quality selection of fonts is equivalent to a painter having a full palette of colors to put onto canvas. We collect fonts with the goal to enhance our creative endeavors in print, on the web and wherever text is required.

Without any effort on your part (hands-free!), you can find and use fonts automatically with auto-activation plug-ins for professional design applications.

Because you need to access your fonts quickly, the integrated font panels for Adobe Creative Cloud apps allow you to preview and activate any font right when you’re working on your document, without switching back and forth between applications.

Keep your system clean, streamlined and ensure that you can utilize fonts in your collection with Suitcase Fusion 5.

Auto-Activation Brings Fonts to You

Focus on your work, not your system. Suitcase Fusion 5 automatically activates required fonts in even in your most demanding workflows. The professional-grade auto-activation plug-ins so critical design and publishing apps seamlessly change font activation from an annoyance to an afterthought.

We’ve built-in, our patented Font Sense technology to ensure that the exact fonts are precisely activated when your design documents requires them.

Whether you’re passing documents back and forth with a coworker who also uses Suitcase Fusion, or taking advantage of the multiple-machine use of Adobe Creative Cloud applications, your fonts will always activate when needed.

Suitcase Fusion 5 Features
- Secure, professional font storage
- Full-featured font previews allow you to compare fonts side-by-side
- Auto-activation plug-ins for professional design applications, including Adobe Creative Cloud and QuarkXPress
- Support includes Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) and Windows 8
- See how fonts work side-by-side in paste-up style previews with QuickComp
- Patented Font Sense technology fingerprints fonts for precise identification
- Find similar fonts fast with QuickMatch
- Web font enabled with WebINK and Google Web Font connections
- Organize fonts with Sets
- Create PNG font previews by drag-and-drop with Font Snapshots
- FontDoctor included FREE for additional corruption detection & organization
- Floating Previews hover over all other applications
- Built-in font cache cleaner for Mac OS X

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28 juin 2013

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un header qui s'anime avec le defilement

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Le langage C créé en 1972 demeure toujours populaire

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horloge hexaflip difficultées rencontrées

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1/attention au variable global si il y a un autre script qui tourne dans la page du blog bine donner nom specifique au programme

var timer specifique au programme et fonction

timer  variable global peut etre utiliser par un autre programme

dans tous les cas, si tu déclares une variable sans var, elle sera globale.

2/peut pas mettre balise style dans editeur message canalblog donc est du utiliser javascript pour inserer le hexflip.css dans le header

3/ai rajoute dans le script le choix couleur et fontstyle et fontweight et le lineheight pour bien centrer texte en fonction grandeur des cubes


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tutorial sur la programmation